
Texas A&M University, Health and Kinesiology Department
Job Listings

Organization Profile

Texas A&M is housed within the twin cities of Bryan and College Station, with a combined population of nearly 275,000, and conveniently located at the center of the triangle formed by Dallas, Houston, and Austin metropolitan areas. The area boasts a low cost of living, a sun-belt environment, and is consistently ranked among the best places to live in the country. Texas A&M is a flagship land grant, sea grant, and space grant university.

Texas A&M is ranked 20th in the nation for research expenditures ($952M in FY19) by the National Science Foundation and is ranked 11th among all public universities in the nation. Texas A&M is ranked #1 in Texas on the list of “Best Schools of 2021” by, and ranked 12th in the US by Washington Monthly. TAMU is also a member of the prestigious Association of American Universities (AAU), one of only 64 research institutions with this distinction. Texas A&M is the largest university in Texas with more than 70,000 students and faculty on the College Station campus. Texas A&M strives to be a welcoming institution to people of all backgrounds. This is demonstrated through accountability of diversity efforts; the Accountability, Climate, Equity, and Scholarship Fellows Program; ADVANCE Scholars Program; and, Office for Diversity Learning Community, among other programs and initiatives. TAMU has also been designated by INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine as a 2019 Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award (HEED) recipient and a 2019 Diversity Champion.

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