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Hartwick College Job Listings
Organization Profile
Hartwick College, an engaged community striving toward inclusion and equity while increasing diversity, integrates a liberal arts education with experiential learning to inspire curiosity, critical thinking, creativity, personal courage, and an enduring passion for learning. Our purpose as a college of the liberal arts and sciences is to educate people who will thrive in and contribute to the world of the future; people who are prepared to meet the personal, intellectual, and social challenges of a rapidly changing and increasingly interdependent world. Hartwick graduates will be noted as being able to thrive in a world of global interdependence in which people of the broadest range of national, ethnic, social, and personal backgrounds will interact personally and technologically. To thrive in this context will require that Hartwick students learn to: understand the world from a variety of perspectives; work constructively with people from a variety of backgrounds and life experiences; be avid learners and critical thinkers; communicate effectively and have a well-developed personal presence; be purposeful in their actions and value-based in their decisions; and know how to use information technology resources as a routine tool to enhance effectiveness.
When inquiring or applying for job openings at Hartwick College, please also reference AcademicCareers.com Applicants with dual-career considerations can find university jobs such as professor jobs, dean jobs, chair / department head jobs, and other faculty jobs and professional and administrative staff employment opportunities with Hartwick College and at other institutions of higher education in the region on AcademicCareers.com
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